About Us

We attempt to bring theology to where people live, by anchoring the questions and issues that are raised in our communities, (whether in our daily parlance about trivial cultural matters or in more serious settings when we encounter evil and suffering) in God’s grand narrative of redemption, manifested supremely in Jesus Christ and attested to by the Christian Scriptures. While it is in the light of the ‘Christian story’ that we look at the world, that is, to both its problems and its promise, our structured conversations will necessarily engage other prevalent worldviews and religious perspectives, as it is our conviction that our common history and ‘experienced plight’ are common denominators that force us to address somewhat similar existential questions.

We are also supremely aware that good communication requires an ability to empathize with opposing viewpoints, so rest assured, your perspective will be given full consideration!

Whether online or at a specific event, whether we discuss a book, comment or offer a critique of a cultural event, or listen to a guest speaker on a particular topic, we invite you, both to listen and to join the conversation! As Christians, we believe that ‘God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son…’ (John 3:16)  We also believe that ‘since God so loved us…we also must love one another…’ (1 John 4:11) In other words, as Christians, we do this, because we care, irrespective of who you are, where your are coming from, or what your vision of the world is! 


Beni Istoc
Beni Istoc Executive Director
Beni holds an Economics degree from Georgia State University and a Master of Biblical and Theological Studies degree from Dallas Theological Seminary. He is both a young and energetic business entrepreneur and a passionate proclaimer of the Gospel. When he is not busy running the company he founded, www.yourfloor.net, Beni enjoys studying and teaching the Bible at his local church, coffee shops and every opportunity he gets.
Ana Ille
Ana IlleBoard Member
Ana is a C.S. Lewis Institute fellow and passionate about World Christianity. She emigrated from Romania where, as a student and later as a teacher, she experienced the oppression of the Communist regime. Always vocal about the meaning of ‘true discipleship’ and passionate about sharing her faith, Ana brings to Theology Café her unique experience of ‘being and living as a Christian’ within one’s profession. Ana teaches Physics in the metro Atlanta area.
George Ille
George Ille Founder/Board Member
George Ille is an Affiliate Professor at Asbury Theological Seminary where he teaches Philosophy and Theology. He is also the founder of Exagora, a not for profit organization dedicated to theological education and social action. He received his PhD in Philosophical Theology at King’s College, University of London, United Kingdom. George published a book on Theological Epistemology and is passionate about apologetics and a number of other topics related to truth, knowledge and hermeneutics.